In the middle of difficulty
lies opportunity.
Transform your conflict into resolutions that help you move forward, and stop living in the past.

I serve as a liaison between courts, parties and individuals involved in conflict. Conflict resolution management is an umbrella of services that helps individuals in finding solutions, empowering them to move forward past the conflicts they are facing. This includes:
Listening to the needs of both parties and ensuring the parties understand one another's needs.
Helping parties negotiate solutions that bring them together, meet critical needs, and ensure dignity for both sides.
Assist in establishing payment plans, providing dispute resolution, and drafting agreements.
I also work directly with the parties to ensure we meet all necessary deadlines by providing the following services:
Scheduling mediations and establishing rapport with both parties
Writing agreements in accordance with court requirements.
Ensuring parties in dispute understand all processes and addressing their questions.
Working to ensure agreement terms are reasonable and meet state requirements.

When people are in the emotional part of their brain they tend to get stuck on the problem and are unable to see solutions. By using reason and logic with an emphasis on being solution-focused, we can navigate the difficult negotiation process in a safe and healthy environment to find wins for all involved parties. As a result, we collaboratively can focus on finding the best solution where reason and logic reign supreme. Bringing individuals out of crisis and in to future focused solutions where everyone can walk away with resolve is the beautiful part of working towards the future, leaving the past behind.

What is Conflict Resolution Management
Conflict resolution management is the process in which conflicted parties enter into third-party negotiations via mediation, in the court system, through private engagement, or even in corporate settings, when they are unable to find a solution that is mutually agreeable. With individuals experiencing conflict, they are often emotionally vested in the outcome. With emotional conflict, our brains can be in an active state of fight, flight or freeze, also known as a trauma response.
Conflict resolution management is where an unbiased collaborative approach is mapped towards identifying what the problems are from both sides through a neutral third party, and then everyone working together with all involved parties to find not only an agreeable outcome for each individual, but in also empowering themselves to move forward towards a future free from conflict.
Identifying the Conflict

For individuals in conflict, upheaval and uncertainty can lead people to feel all over the place. Scott's natural ability to connect on an individual level and ask clarifying questions can help determine patterns.
Generating Solutions

Making sure that clients are empowered through logical and rational means Scott eliminates the emotional aspects of the mediation and the conflict resolution process. When we are in the logical and reasonable side of our brain we are able to solve the problems as we are looking at it more from a solution standpoint.
Focusing on The Future

Through communication and transparency, in pre-mediation meetings and focusing on solutions, Scott helps parties move past the problem. Wanting to be heard, Scott validates the problem but drives the focus on tomorrow's solution. Empowering people to live a better life and move forward, instilling confidence in that ideal outcome.
Scott D. Brand, Certified Professional Mediator (CPM), is a specialized conflict resolution management professional. Through his experience as a former Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician, former Executive Director at a Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Crisis Agency serving high conflict and crisis situations, and as a CPM he can help guide parties in conflict to a reasonable and acceptable resolution. See a list of services below that Scott offers both virtually and regionally in Idaho, Nevada, and Montana.